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The Super Ikonta D  was a large format rangefinder camera that was produced in Germany from the 1934 - 1936 by Zeiss-Ikon. It used (obsolete) 616 film to create 6.5x11 negatives and it was the only camera within the Super Ikonta line to do so. All the other models used normal 120 roll film.

At the request of one of our clients, we customized a Super Ikonta D to create a unique coupled rangefinder panorama camera..............


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New photos in the example gallery!

New photos in the gallery with photos taken with cameras sold by us!  1937 Zeiss Ikon Contax III body

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New in Tips and Tricks!

New in Tips and Tricks! 6x6 Super Ikonta B film loading tips  

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New photos in the example gallery!

New photos in the gallery with photos taken with cameras sold by us!  1936 Frank & Heidecke Rolleiflex “Old Standard”

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New photos in the example gallery!

New photos in the gallery with photos taken with cameras sold by us! 1934-zeiss-ikon-super-ikonta-c-another

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